

ML Tax Solution为您解析最新政策


TEL: (03) 9533 8980

Email: info@mltaxsolution.com.au

Address: Suite 2-4, 321 Chapel St, Prahran VIC 3181





税局于414日晚上更新了网站,给出了抗疫情JobKeeper Payment(每两周$1,500补贴)的最新信息。

ML Tax Solution在此就大家最关心的热点解释一下。

1.     申请通道正式开放日是420日。请注意,前一段时间大家在税局网站上登记的只是索取更多信息的要求,而不是已经正式向税局‘举手申请了’。

2.     雇主可以委托税务会计师来申请或者自己通过MyGovID来联网税局来进行申请。

3.     雇主一旦申请了,就必须替所有符合条件的员工进行申请,不可以有选择性的剔除‘不中意的员工’,除非该员工主动向您提出不愿意跟您申请的要求。

4.     雇主必须让员工填写JobKeeper员工提名通知书JobKeeper Employee Nomination Notice(详情见下)。

5.     雇主必须先自己垫资给所有符合条件的员工支付每两周$1,500的补贴,一个月后税局才会给雇主返还已经支付的补贴金。

6.     雇主要符合营业额已经下降或者合理估计接下来的下降能够满足30%(详情见下)。


JobKeeper Employee Nomination NoticeJobKeepr员工提名通知书)




·            通知员工雇主要申请该补贴。

·            务必让员工书面通知您是否需要通过您来进行申请。

·            表格填好后不需要交给税局,但是雇主必须保留5年,以备日后审查使用。

·            必须按照隐私法来保证信息的安全。


·            如果您没有将填好的表格提供给雇主,雇主将不能把您作为符合条件的员工来进行该补贴的申请。

·            如果您的雇主准备从第一个每两周(330日至412)就开始申请的话,那么您必须在4月结束前将表格提供给雇主。

·            如果您的雇主准备在第一个每两周以后才申请的话,那么您必须尽快地将表格提供给雇主。

·            只有一位雇主可以为您申请补贴。如果您有好几位雇主的话,您必须选择把您作为永久性的雇员的雇主来申请。如果您是长期的临时工,也就是说您没有一位永久性的雇主,那么您可以选一位把您作为临时工的雇主来申请。

·            如果您已经选择了通过其他雇主来申请,那么您就不能再选择通过这位雇主来申请了。


Section A – Employer to complete 雇主填写

Employer Details:雇主信息:

1.     Employer name 雇主名称

2.     Employer Australia business number (ABN)雇主的ABN

Section B – Employee to complete 员工填写

Employee Details:员工信息:

1.     Full name 姓名

2.     Date of birth (DD/MM/YYY) 生日

3.     Address 地址

4.     Preferred contact details 联系方式

a.          phone number 电话号码

b.         email address 邮箱地址

Section C – Nomination 员工的选择

Employee eligibility requirements 员工必须符合的条件

To be an eligible employee, you need to meet these requirements:

·            You are currently employed by the employer outlined in section A (including those stood down or re-hired). 您目前还是这位雇主的雇员(包括被停薪留职和重新召回的员工)

·            You were employed by the employer outlined in section A at 1 March 2020. 您是该雇主202031日就雇佣的员工

·            As at 1 March 2020, you were apermanent employee, or a casual employee employed on a regular or systematic basis during the period of 12 months ending on 1 March 2020.  202031日您是永久性的员工,或者是在202031日之前的12个月中经常性地有规则性地为该生意服务的临时工

·            If you are a casual employee as mentioned above, you are not permanently employed by any other employer, or you are only employed by any other employer on a casual basis. 做为临时员工,您不是其他雇主的永久性员工,或者您还为其他雇主做临时工

·            You were at least 16 years of age as at 1 March 2020. 您在202031日已经16岁了

·            As at 1 March 2020 you were: 

o  residing in Australia and an Australian citizen or permanent resident, or 202031日您是居住在澳洲的澳洲公民或者永久居民,或者

o  an Australian resident for income tax purposes and a Subclass 444 (Special Category) visa holder. 是澳洲的税务居民并持有新西兰444签证者

·            You are not in receipt of a JobKeeper payment as a sole trader, nor is another employer or eligible business in receipt of a JobKeeper payment for you. 您没有以个体经营者来申请该补贴,也没有其他雇主为您申请该补贴

·            You are not currently receiving parental leave pay or dad and partner pay, and 您目前没有拿政府发放的新生父母津贴或者父亲津贴,并且

·            You are not currently totally incapacitated for work and receiving payments under an Australian workers’ compensation law in respect of your total incapacity to work. 您目前没有因完全失去工作能力而领取工伤保险的赔偿金

o  Yes, I agree to be nominated by the employer outlined in section A for the purpose of the JobKeep scheme. 是,我同意由表格A部分的雇主提名申请JobKeeper补贴

In making this nomination I: 选择这项提名,我

            i.                agree that I meet the eligibility requirements listed above, and

          ii.                confirm that I have not agreed to be nominated by any other employer/entity and have not given another entity a nomination form for the purpose of this scheme.


o  No, I do not agree to be nominated by the employer outlined in section A for the purpose of the JobKeeper scheme. 不,我不同意通过在表格A部分的雇主来提名参加该补贴。

Section D Declaration 申明

I declare that the information I have provided is true and correct.我申明以上我提供的信息是真实和准确的。

Date (DD/MM/YYY) 日期(日、月、年)

Signature (electronic/email is OK) 签字(电子签字或者邮件也可以)

Important: There are penalties for deliberately making a false or misleading statement.重要:对于蓄意提供虚假或者误导信息者将会有惩罚





如果您是个体户(sole trader), 是合伙人中被推举出的那一位,是拿分红的股东中被推举出的那一位,,是拿董事费的董事中被推举出的那一位,或者是拿家庭信托分配的受益人中被推举出的那一位,您需要填写表格吗?

不需要,您有特殊的通道,税局很快会出炉政策,ML Tax Solution会第一时间为您跟进的。




·            20203月相对20193月的营业额(按照BASGST来申报的营业额)

·            预计的20204月相对20194月的营业额(按照BASGST来申报的营业额)

·            预计的从20204月开始的季度相对20194月开始的季度的营业额(按照BASGST来申报的营业额)

如果没有去年同期的数据,或者有特殊的情况而使得去年同期的数据没有真正的代表意义,税局可以接受您的特殊解释。具体的步骤还未出炉,ML Tax Solution会第一时间为您跟进的。



ML Tax Solution愿大家在这非常时期多多保重。



TEL: (03) 9533 8980

Email: info@mltaxsolution.com.au

Address: Suite 2-4, 321 Chapel St, Prahran VIC 3181





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